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domingo, 1 de enero de 2017

RIP Sir Tony Atkinson

The start of 2017 has brought very sad news as we learn of the passing of Professor Tony Atkinson, one of Britain's best economists.
Professor Atkinson's life-long academic focus has been on the causes and consequences of income and wealth inequality and then in shaping policy ideas and strategies to promote more inclusive economic growth. He truly has been a giant in helping analyse how society is performing.
This is a strongly recommended read:
Only in November 2016 did he launch (to much acclaim) a major World Bank report on poverty.
In this superb talk at the RSA in June 2015, Professor Atkinson set out concrete policy proposals that could bring about a genuine shift in the distribution of income towards less inequality.
Further reactions to the news of the passing of Sir Tony Atkinson is being curated here
If we are concerned about equality of opportunity tomorrow, we need to be concerned about inequality of outcome today" - Tony Atkinson

Teacher of Economics

International School of Milan, Milan, Italy

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