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viernes, 10 de abril de 2020

Mapa de medidas de apoyo a las PYME en respuesta a COVID-19. ¿ Cuba ?

Este panel rastrea las medidas que los países están implementando para apoyar a las MIPYME en respuesta a la pandemia de COVID-19. Se actualiza utilizando información de fuentes oficiales, otras organizaciones internacionales y equipos regionales del Grupo del Banco Mundial. Es una herramienta viva que no es exhaustiva y no ha sido sujeta a controles de calidad estándar de WBG. Envíe comentarios a la siguiente dirección de correo electrónico: tcdata360@worldbank.org

Country Type of Support Instrument Description
Albania Employment support Support to self-employed persons Self-employed families will receive a special benefit equivalent to a state-set monthly salary
Albania Employment support Unemployment benefit Unemployed people will receive double the unemployment benefit
Argentina Business costs Rent/leasing - reductions (if government is landlord), direct payment or indirect (e.g. tax concession for suppliers/ landlords) Price control on specific products
Argentina Debt finance Credit guarantees - new schemes, more generous guarantee levels Credit guarantees for banks to lend to small and mediumsized enterprises, together with food and commodity companies, for the equivalent of 1.2% of GDP.
Argentina Debt finance Existing lending with reduced or no interest loans, delayed repayments, lower collateral requirements mandated banking loans to MSMEs at a rate substantially below inflation.
Argentina Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Another 320 billion pesos ($4.9 billion) will be available in central bank loans to finance working capital and a portion of companies' payrolls
Argentina Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Re-launching of PROCREAR (subsidized mortgage program
Argentina Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms The Central Bank announced that the interest rate for loans to SMEs will be 24%. The goal is for companies to be able to get financing to pay salaries and also cope with the checkspaid.
Argentina Employment support Support informal sector workers One payment for low-income workers by coronavirus. The Government will make a one-time payment of 10,000 pesos ($158) in April to low-income and informal self-employed workers to assist them with their expenses during compulsory quarantine.
Argentina Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals REPRO (subsidies for firms to pay wages), and AHORA-12 (goods to be paid in 12 installments)
Argentina Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals The Productive Recovery Programme (REPRO) will be extended to guarantee employment for those working in companies affected by the health emergency which means that the State will  pay part of the wages of the workers concerned
Argentina Other finance Support for firms which need to close or have reduced their activities The State will launch financial assistance of 350 billion pesos ($5.3 billion) to small and medium-sized enterprises and other in the productive and commercial sectors.
Argentina Production Expenditure programs 350,000 million Argentinian pesos will be used to ensure the production and supply of food and basic inputs, boost activity and provide finance
Argentina Tax Expenditure programs Fiscal stimulus for at least an estimated 0.6 percent of GDP (capital spending, social benefits bonuses, tax exemptions)
Argentina Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Necessary overtime will have a 95% reduction in the rate of taxation.  The salaries of  workers hired for the necessities of the crisis period will have a 95% reduction in the tax rate.
Argentina Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals The payment of employer contributions will be exempted for sectors critically affected by the coronavirus pandemic.
Armenia Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals A total of $50M will be allocated to firms in the form of partial reimbursement of loans taken to cover the salaries of their workers. MLSA proposed amendment to the Labor Code to allow employees to receive compensation from employers equal to the minimal hourly rate (409 AMD) set for the minimum wage (68,000AMD), flexible working hours, etc.
Australia Debt finance Increase threshold at which creditors can issue a statutory demand on a company The Government is temporarily increasing the threshold at which creditors can issue a statutory demand on a company and to initiate bankrupt proceedings against.
Australia Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Boosting Cash Flow for Employers: up to $100,000 to eligible small and medium-sized businesses, and not-for-profits (NFPs) that employ people, with a minimum payment of $20,000.
Australia Employment support Increased labor training subsidies Investment of $187 million in the creation of 56,000 new training places in 2008-09 (financial crisis 2008)
Australia Employment support New working schemes  Implemented by Australian Labour market service, companies can register their employees to short-time work over a period of up to 3 months (starting from now onwards) – with potential extension of another 3 months (depending on future developments).  Employees will receive 80-90% (depending on their current gross salary) of their net salary over this period (reimbursed to the employer by the labor market service).
Australia Employment support Support informal sector workers The State Government will provide a one-off emergency relief payment of $250 for individuals and up to $1,000 for families who are required to self- quarantine. This will be available to informal casual workers
Australia Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals Eligible employers can apply for a wage subsidy of 50 per cent of the apprentice’s or trainee’s wage for 9 months from 1 January 2020 to 30 September 2020.
Australia Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals The government is covering up to 90% of wages/salaries of workers to stay employed, rather than being laid-off.
Australia Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals Wage subsidy of 50 per cent of the apprentice’s or trainee’s wage for nine months
Australia Tax Incentives for capital expenditure (larger/wider limits, accelerated depreciation, broader range of products eligible) Small and general business tax breaks to provide deductions for some equipment purchases before the end of June 2009 (financial crisis 2008), with a value of $2.7 billion
Australia Tax Incentives for capital expenditure (larger/wider limits, accelerated depreciation, broader range of products eligible) Time-limited 15 month investment incentive (through to 30 June 2021) to support business investment and economic growth over the short term, by accelerating depreciation deductions.
Austria Debt finance Credit guarantees - new schemes, more generous guarantee levels EUR 100 million to guarantee loans for SMEs in the tourism sector to alleviate liquidity concerns. Another EUR 10 million aside to guarantee loans
Austria Debt finance Increase threshold at which creditors can issue a statutory demand on a company The threshold at which creditors can issue a statutory demand on a company and the time companies have to respond to statutory demands have been temporarily increased.
Austria Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Liquidity relase in the amount of EUR million  13
Austria Employment support New working schemes In the case of "temporary, non-seasonal" economic difficulties (e.g. caused by a drop in sales) due to the corona virus, company employees have the option of reducing their working hours by 10-90% for 3+3 months
Austria Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals Workers with children under 14 can get additional leave up to three weeks. Until end of April, the government will reimburse employers for one third of wages for workers who take this special leave,
Bahamas Debt finance Delayed repayments. Deferral of payments, restructuring and rescheduling The Central Bank of the Bahamas has arranged with domestic banks and credit unions to provide a 3-month deferral against repayments on credit facilities for businesses and households that were negatively impacted by the pandemic. Forbearance will be provided for borrowers who maintained their accounts in good standing before the onset of the pandemic.
Bahrain Business costs Utilities – reductions, direct payment or indirect (e.g. tax concession for suppliers/landlords) Reduction of commercial registration fees as well as labour & utility charges for 6 months
Bahrain Business costs Utilities – reductions, direct payment or indirect (e.g. tax concession for suppliers/landlords) The Electricity and Water Authority will pay individuals and businesses’ utility bills for 3 months from April 2020
Bahrain Debt finance Delayed repayments. Deferral of payments, restructuring and rescheduling Delay in loans installments for 6 months,  Oman - Accept all requests for deferment of loan instalments / interest / profit for affected borrowers, for the next 6 months
Bahrain Debt finance Rapid approval/dispersal arrangements, low/no fees, removal of fees/penalties (e.g. for overdrafts) Delay in loans installments for 6 months,  Oman - Accept all requests for deferment of loan instalments / interest / profit for affected borrowers, for the next 6 months
Bahrain Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals Private sector employees who are registered with the national Social Insurance Organization will have their salaries paid for 3 months from April 2020 from the unemployment fund. A total of 100,000 Bahraini will benefit from the measure (cost of BD 215 million)
Bahrain Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals Supporting wages of citizens in private sector, part of 4.3bn stimulus package
Bangladesh Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals The government would pay the salaries and wages of select factories
Belgium Debt finance Credit guarantees - new schemes, more generous guarantee levels EUR 100 million for loan guarantees. The aim is to make it easier for firms to get credit from banks to finance their working capital.
Belgium Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Liquidity relase in the amount of EUR million  37
Belgium Employment support Support to self-employed persons Request for revision of tax pre-payment amount for self-employed whose income is projected to be lower than the one used as reference for the pre-payment calculation
Belgium Employment support Support to self-employed persons Self-employed workers who are incapacitated for work for at least 8 days are entitled to an incapacity for work benefit payable by the health insurance scheme from the first day2
Belgium Other finance Support for firms which need to close or have reduced their activities Firms that need to close, are entitled to a one-off EUR 4000 payment, and additional compensation of EUR 160 per day beyond 21 days of closure.
Belgium Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Self-employed workers who are affected by the consequences of the coronavirus can submit a written request to their social insurance fund to request a 1-year deferral of the payment of provisional social contributions, without being charged any increases and with no effect on benefits.
Belize Debt finance Credit guarantees - new schemes, more generous guarantee levels reducing risk-weights for banks on loans in the tourism sector from 100 percent to 50 percent; and
Belize Debt finance Delayed repayments. Deferral of payments, restructuring and rescheduling encourage domestic banks and credit unions to provide grace periods for servicing interest and/or main components of commercial loans and ancillary loans,
Belize Debt finance Increasing liquidity in banking sector Central Bank of Belize has instituted macro-prudential measures to maintain the flow of credit in the economy:  reducing the statutory cash reserve requirements
Bolivia Debt finance Delayed repayments. Deferral of payments, restructuring and rescheduling Help for individuals, small families and companies that pay credits, who will not have to pay two months the debt capital and that cancellation will be made at the end of the credit period.
Bolivia Employment support Support to self-employed persons Creation of a "family bond" of 500 Bolivians (USD 72,52) per child going to a tax school
Bolivia Tax Corporate tax – rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Deferral of April Enterprise Earnings Tax (IUE), and cancellation to be made in May and in installments.
Bosnia and Herzegozvina Employment support Unemployment benefit EUR 5.5M allocated for unemployment benefits for 2020, but could increase to another EUR 10M to support job retention and/or increase unemployment benefits.
Brazil Business costs Labor flexibility Firms can reduce working hours and pay by up to 50% while maintaining the employment link, but there is no compensation for workers for the resulting income losses.
Brazil Debt finance Central Bank lending to financial institutions the Central Bank will provide loans to financial institutions guaranteed by debentures acquired between 23 March and 30 April 2020. It is a Special Liquidity Temporary Line (LTEL).
Brazil Debt finance Credit guarantees - new schemes, more generous guarantee levels Central Bank will collect a Special Guaranteed Term Deposit from the Credit Guarantee Fund (FGC), as a means of collecting deposits and ensuring the solvency of the credit syste
Brazil Debt finance Delayed repayments. Deferral of payments, restructuring and rescheduling Additional Central Bank measures to facilitate the renegotiation of credit operations for companies and families with good credit scores, allowing adjustments in their cash flows (expected to benefit R$ 3.2tr in outstanding loans); Central Bank measures to utilize capital capacity of the banking system by increasing the difference between the effective capital and the minimum capital required for one year (expected to add credit capacity of R$ 637 bn, 8.8 percent of GDP)
Brazil Debt finance Delayed repayments. Deferral of payments, restructuring and rescheduling The country will allocate 700,000USD to the refinancing of debts for families and private companies
Brazil Debt finance Increasing liquidity in banking sector The country establishes an injection of nearly $130 billion into the financial system to increase its lending capacity and reduce the basic interest rate of the economy by 50 bps – from 4.50 to 3.75 a.a.
Brazil Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Project: In preparation measures to support transportector/airline sector:  • Issuance of bonds or other fixed income instrument. at competitive prices.
Brazil Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms The national development bank announced new credit lines to companies with a loan volume of 0.6% of GDP.
Brazil Employment support Support informal sector workers The government will give R$600 (60% of minimum wage) to all informal workers, self-employed and vulnerable families.
Brazil Employment support Support informal sector workers Vouchers of R $200 to all workers who don’t have a formal job and don't receive resources from existing cash transfer programs. Anticipated disbursement of social transfers
Brazil Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals Anticipate a salary top-up until June (of one monthly minimum wage per year) for low-wage formal workers (Abono salarial) at R$ 12.8bn (0.2 percent of GDP, also fiscally neutral);
Brazil Tax Corporate tax – rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Tax deferment of 3 months for SIMPLES (SME tax regime, R$22.2 bn, 0.31 percent of GDP)
Brazil Tax Corporate tax – rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Tax liabilities have been deferred for firms, especially SMEs.
Brazil Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Tax deferral for mandatory FGTS contributions (8% of salaries, R$ 30 bn, 0.41 percent of GDP); cut the payroll levy for training (Sistema S) in half for 3 months (these rates are 1-2% of salary, varied by sector) at a saving to employers of R$2.2bn (0.03 percent of GDP); additional credit lines to SMEs (R$ 5bn, 0.07 percent of GDP); temporarily remove import tariffs and industrialized products tax (IPI) for relevant medical supplies.
Bulgaria Debt finance Credit guarantees - new schemes, more generous guarantee levels Another BGN 200 million was conferred to BBD for providing portfolio guarantees to commercial banks so that they can provide unsecured interestfree loans in the amount of up to BGN 1,500 (EUR 760) to workers who are put on unpaid leave3
Bulgaria Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Liquidity relase in the amount of EUR million  122
Bulgaria Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals BGN 1 billion was allocated for paying 60% of the wages of workers who risk being laid off because of the crisis in the course of three months, provided that their employers cover the remaining 40 per cent.
Bulgaria Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals Over this period, the Unemployment Fund will pay 60% of the income of the employees from sectors most heavily influenced by the COVID-19 crisis for up to three months
Cabo verde Employment support Support informal sector workers Support for workers in micro and small enterprises and self-employed in the informal sector, including sellers of informal commerce and municipal markets. These workers are guaranteed a value of 10,000 escudos (US$100) for one month. 30,000 workers are expected to benefit.
Cabo verde Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals Employees will get 70% of gross salary in the event of the labor contract being suspended. 35% will be paid by the employer and 35% by INPS (National Institute of Social Security).
Cambodia Business climate Reduce import restrictions (NTBs, duties) on intermediate goods More lenient customs procedures to facilitate the import of raw materials, parts, and accessories, used for textile and garment production. Expansion of the “green lane” and post audit clearance for customs to reduce trade costs and foster more advanced logistics for longer-term competitiveness.
Cambodia Debt finance Central Bank lending to financial institutions Additional capital injection for the Rural Development Bank introduced to support agroprocessing firms.
Cambodia Debt finance Increasing liquidity in banking sector The central bank lowered interest rates and relaxed capital requirements to increase liquidity in the financial system and incentivize banks to lend more to the private sector and accept delayed repayment from borrowers
Cambodia Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Establishment of a new public bank to support SMEs through co-financing and risk sharing with commercial banks and microfinance institutions lending to SMEs.
Cambodia Demand Targeted (sector or region) expenditure programs Promote domestic tourism by launching campaigns to organize activities and events in Siem Reap Province, extend the validity of each ticket to Ankgor Wat complex, and improve international passengers routes.
Cambodia Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals Payment of 60% of minimum wage ($190) for furloughed workers in the garment sector, with a third paid by employer and the rest by the state.
Cambodia Other finance Targeted (sector or region) expenditure programs Targeted capital injection to support smaller firms and microfinance institutions
Cambodia Regulations Reduced compliance requirements (including no face to face, only electronic), fewer/no inspections Regulatory forbearance with banking sector stimuli
Cambodia Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Tax relief and exemption from contribution to social security contribution for hardest hit industries (tourism, garment and footwear).
Canada Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Business Credit Availability Program (BCAP) will allow the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) and Export Development Canada (EDC) to provide more than CAN 10 billion of additional support. Other credit and liquidity support through financial Crown corporations, Bank of Canada (reduced its interest rate to 0.75%), OSFI, CMHC and commercial lenders – estimated cost in the range of CAD 500 billion.
Canada Employment support Subsidies for employee sick leave Relax sick leave policies to support employees in self-isolating when ill. This includes suspending the need for medical notes and reduces the burden on an already stressed health care system. waiving the one-week waiting period for Employment Insurance sickness benefits.
Canada Employment support Support to self-employed persons Emergency support benefit for self-employed and part-time workers who do not qualify for Employment Insurance. The federal government will provide workers who lose income because of the COVID-19 pandemic $2,000 a month for the next four months under the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB).
Canada Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals Government of Canada will provide up to $27 billion in direct support to Canadian workers and businesses. The measures allows for eligible employers to retain skilled employees and workers to remain employed during the temporary downturn in business due to COVID-19
Canada Other finance Supply chain finance, factoring, leverage online platforms for conducting reverse factoring transactions that can facilitate supply-chain finance to MSMEs and shorten the maturity of the payments involved Purchase Order Financing through Business Development Bank of Canada
Canada Tax Corporate tax – rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Canada Revenue Agency will allow all businesses to defer, until after August 31, 2020, the payment of any income tax.
Chile Debt finance Capital buffer safeguards requirements on banks The Commission initiated the revision of the timetable for the implementation of the Basel III standards in order to avoid accentuating the negative effects of the current economic cycle.
Chile Debt finance Credit guarantees - new schemes, more generous guarantee levels the use of mortgage guarantees to safeguard SME loans
Chile Debt finance Existing lending with reduced or no interest loans, delayed repayments, lower collateral requirements Central Bank has lowered interest rates by .75 to 1%.
Chile Debt finance Increasing liquidity in banking sector The Central Bank announced a historic drop in interest rates to 1%
Chile Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms A new capitalization plan of Banco Estado for 500 million dollars to grant more credits and the extension of state guarantees for loans
Chile Employment support Support informal sector workers A special bond of $130 million to be launched for 2 million people without formal work and a $100 million fund will be set up for SMEs affected and managed by municipalities. .
Chile Employment support Support to self-employed persons Creation of COVID-19 Bonus, which will be given to 2 million workers of informal sector, the measure is worth USD 130 million
Chile Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals Salary guarantee for people who cannot go to work or do telework.
Chile Tax Corporate tax – rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Several measures for support for SMEs (tax payment deferrals, increased liquidity for banks to lend to SMEs etc.) are under discussion.
Chile Tax Corporate tax – rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Suspension of the profit tax for companies in the next three months. It has a value of USD 2400 million
Chile Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Deferral of VAT payment for the next 3 months for all companies with sales below UF 350.00 and Transitory reduction of stamp tax to 0% for all credit operations during the next 6 months. With a value of USD 1920 million
China Business climate Reduce import restrictions (NTBs, duties) on intermediate goods Commercial insurance companies will be supported in offering short-term export credit insurance and lowering premium rates.
China Business climate Reduce import restrictions (NTBs, duties) on intermediate goods Simplified import procedures to encourage firms to expand imports of medical supplies and daily necessities
China Business climate Reduce import restrictions (NTBs, duties) on intermediate goods Tariff exemptions for imported supplies for coronavirus control (e.g. reagents, sterilization items, ambulances, emergency command vehicles) and Port construction fee for imported and exported goods will be exempted and 20% reduction in all other government port charges, from March 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020
China Business climate Simplified foreign exchange arrangements (for those countries where this is an issue) Simplified foreign exchange arrangements
China Business costs Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Exemption of a wide range of consumer services from VAT on a nationwide basis. So-called ‘lifestyle services’, which include medical services, catering and accommodation services, and sundry personal services
China Business costs Reduction or waiver of administrative and government fees. Several administrative fees waived for SMEs
China Business costs Rent/leasing - reductions (if government is landlord), direct payment or indirect (e.g. tax concession for suppliers/ landlords) Affected SMEs in some localities (e.g. Shanghai, Beijing, Guangdong) are exempt from paying rent in February and March on state-owned assets for production and operation (50% exemption of rent for office use) subject to number of layoffs.
China Business costs Rent/leasing - reductions (if government is landlord), direct payment or indirect (e.g. tax concession for suppliers/ landlords) Encourage local governments to cut or waive property tax and land use tax as an incentive for property owners to cut rents for individual business tenants.
China Business costs Utilities – reductions, direct payment or indirect (e.g. tax concession for suppliers/landlords) The NDRC lowered companies’ electricity price by 5 percent (except high energy consuming industries) and adopted off-season gas price, with estimated saving of RMB 63 billion
China Business upgrading Support for corona-related production - e.g. healthcare products (grants, procurement, et al), either to ramp up existing capability or for new capability Support for corona-related production - e.g. healthcare products (grants, procurement, et al), either to ramp up existing capability or for new capability
China Debt finance Delayed repayments. Deferral of payments, restructuring and rescheduling Epidemic-hit SMEs and micro firms, including small business owners and individual household businesses, can make applications with banks to defer repayment of principal and interest expenses payable from January 25 to June 30, 2020. Overdue loan repayments in the period will not be subject to penalties.
China Debt finance Existing lending with reduced or no interest loans, delayed repayments, lower collateral requirements Interest rate (-10bp)
China Debt finance Existing lending with reduced or no interest loans, delayed repayments, lower collateral requirements Liquidity support (1.3% of GDP)
China Debt finance Existing lending with reduced or no interest loans, delayed repayments, lower collateral requirements Refinancing facility (0.8% of GDP)
China Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Measures to ease SME liquidity constraints (1.2 % of GDP)
China Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms PBC offered RMB 300 billion in special re-lending program for impacted business at subsidized rate of 1.3 percent, and another RMB 500 billion via re-lending/re-discount facility to support SMEs financing with interest rate lowered to 2.5 percent,
China Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms The NDRC allowed high-quality SMEs to issue corporate bonds for repaying loans and replenishing operating capitals.
China Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms To help SMEs stabilize their hiring, preferential loan application policies will be offered to individuals and small and micro-sized businesses that have lost sources of income during the outbreak.
China Employment support Cap on layoffs For companies with a workforce of less than 30 people, the maximum layoff rate was set at 20%.
China Employment support Increased labor training subsidies Local incentives to support companies to carry out online vocational skills training (e.g. Hebei, Zhejiang). SMEs in Beijing and Shanghai can receive subsidies up to 95%  for employee training during suspension of operations and purchasing teleworking service products.
China Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals As part of general guidance to provinces, China is encouraging the use of unemployment insurance funds to provide wage and job subsidies to enterprises, in particular for SMEs. The amount varies by locality, but for example in Nanjing, it has been 100 yuan per worker per day
China Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals Introduction of salary guarantees for all workers, especially those ill or in quarantine.
China Other finance Grants, Insurance Special funds available for startup companies
China Other finance Incentives for investors (e.g. angel investors), new or enhanced incentives Renewed commitment to shorten the negative list of foreign investment and expand the catalog of industries where foreign investment is encouraged and Measures to restore confidence of foreign investors, including local government support to address obstacles to resume business operations and investment projects
China Regulations Reduced compliance requirements (including no face to face, only electronic), fewer/no inspections Based on mutual agreement, employers and employees can enter into an electronic labor contract with reliable electronic signatures.
China Regulations Reduced compliance requirements (including no face to face, only electronic), fewer/no inspections Expanded possibility for firms to carry out certain administrative procedures electronically (e.g. registrations for tax refund and exemption, export/import licenses, approval of investment projects)
China Regulations Reduced compliance requirements (including no face to face, only electronic), fewer/no inspections Regulatory forberance
China Tax Corporate tax – rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Exemption for small-scaled taxpayers in Hubei province and reduced the VAT collection rate to 1% (currently 3%) for small-scaled taxpayers in other areas
China Tax Corporate tax – rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Loss carry-over extensions by eight years for the most vulnerable sectors (transport, catering, hotel, and tourism).
China Tax Corporate tax – rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Several extensions of deadlines to file business taxes due in February and March, as well as local measures
China Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Accommodation and catering SMEs exempt from social security contribution
China Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Firms in accommodation/catering and personal services exempt from VAT. Firms in the 4 industries of transport, catering, accommodation and tourism are allowed to carry forward their 2020 losses for up to 8 years. Full refund of carried forward excess input VAT balances may be granted to enterprises engaged in production of supplies for coronavirus protection and containment
China Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Large firms required to pay only half of social security contributions.
China Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Lowered/exempted employers' contributions to social security  by an estimates RMB 650 billion
China Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals VAT reduced from 3 percent to 1 percent (exempted in Hubei province) for small businesses until the end of May.
Colombia Business costs Rent/leasing - reductions (if government is landlord), direct payment or indirect (e.g. tax concession for suppliers/ landlords) Free water services for vulnerable families; households will be permitted to refinance their debt and mortgages with banks for a two-month period
Colombia Business costs Utilities – reductions, direct payment or indirect (e.g. tax concession for suppliers/landlords) water prices will be frozen for the duration of the state of emergency; bringing forward to April of a measure foreseen for 2021.
Colombia Debt finance Credit guarantees - new schemes, more generous guarantee levels The Minister of Finance said that the Government has about $11.9 billion in public banking available to provide credit guarantees to SMEs and households through the financial system.
Colombia Debt finance Delayed repayments. Deferral of payments, restructuring and rescheduling The President announced that financial relief includes small and medium-sized enterprises for payment of their loans over the next two months, and extension of repayment terms and refinancing options to mortgage loans at maturity without reporting at credit risk agencies.
Colombia Debt finance Increasing liquidity in banking sector Bank of the Republic  purchase about 10 trillion pesos (US$2.4 billion) of private securities issued by credit institutions with remaining maturity of less than or equal three years, as well as the purchase of government bonds denominated in pesos, known as TES.
Colombia Debt finance Increasing liquidity in banking sector To ensure the proper supply of liquidity to the market, the Bank of the Republic increased the repos quota against private debt from $5 to $8 trillion, in installments between 7 and 30 days.
Colombia Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Credit line a new credit line for the tourism and aviation sector. National Guarantee Fund for the provision of loans to support the continuity of small and medium enterprises.
Colombia Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms The Government takes additional steps to alleviate the tourism and aviation sector by using a Bancoldex credit line for liquidity with a quota of USD 250,000, and extension of deadlines for the sector's contribution.
Colombia Employment support Subsidies for employee sick leave Workers who request unpaid leave during this time will be allowed access to their severance pay.
Colombia Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Government decided to postpone the payment of the VAT and income taxes for the tourism and aviation sectors. reduce the import tariffs for some inputs related to the health and aviation sectors, on a temporary basis
Cook Island Employment support Increased labor training subsidies To assist businesses in upskilling their employees to improve their productivity for recovery phase. The training subsidy is based on minimum wage for 35hrs/weekly over an additional period of 3 months, available only to those businesses qualified for the wage subsidy. Employees have to be enrolled in an official training by the 1 July 2020 and to commence by 30 July 2020.
Cook Island Employment support Subsidies for employee sick leave This support will only cover self-isolation as defined under the public health guidelines, where the employee is: (i) not sick, cannot perform work remotely and has been advised by the Ministry of Health to self-isolate; (ii) not sick but has to care for dependents who are required to self-isolate or who are sick with COVID-19.
Cook Island Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals Wage subsidy is based on minimum wage for 35hrs/weekly over a period of 3 months: - $266 per week for a full-time employee working 20 hours per week or more; - $133 per week for a part-time employee working between 5 and 19 hours per week
Costa Rica Business costs Utilities – reductions, direct payment or indirect (e.g. tax concession for suppliers/landlords) Industrial and commercial companies with more than 2,000  KwH  will be able to pay 50% consumption in March, April and May.
Costa Rica Debt finance Delayed repayments. Deferral of payments, restructuring and rescheduling By guideline, President Alvarado will instruct the commercial banks of the State to restructure the debtor's loans, including a possible moratorium on the payment of the principal and/or interest for three months, in particular for the sectors most affected.
Costa Rica Debt finance Delayed repayments. Deferral of payments, restructuring and rescheduling Flexibility in credit conditions and interest rates.
Costa Rica Debt finance Increasing liquidity in banking sector Reduction of the monetary policy rate to make credit cheaper
Costa Rica Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Central Bank makes available RD$ 10 billion (USD 188 million) for loans to households, MSMEs and trade.
Costa Rica Demand Targeted (sector or region) expenditure programs Insurance for the tourism sector to deal with COVID-19 quarantines.
Costa Rica Other finance Grants, Insurance An insurance for the tourism sector to face quarantines.
Costa Rica Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals A three-month moratorium on the payment of the Value Added Tax (VAT), income taxes and customs duties
Costa Rica Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Draft law of the Ministry of Finance with three-month moratory to pay value-added taxes (VAT), corporate income and customs duties.
Costa Rica Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Several measures have been announced to defer the payment of taxes and social security contributions. Public banks will be asked to readjust loans, including a possible moratorium on the payment of principal and / or interest for three extendable months, particularly for the most affected sectors.
Croatia Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Liquidity relase in the amount of EUR million  174
Czech Republic Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Liquidity relase in the amount of EUR million  294
Czech Republic Employment support Support to self-employed persons The state will pay 424 crowns per day, i.e. just under 14,000 crowns per month, to all self-employed persons taking care of children aged 6 to 13
Czech Republic Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals Employees ordered into quarantine will receive 60 % of their salaries and the government will reimburse the company in full, and employers, who had to close or reduce operations because of the crisis measures, will pay employees their full salaries, and the state will reimburse employers 80 % of the costs.
Czech Republic Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals The government approved a proposal to modify the Antivirus program. Applying for wages and salaries will be easy. The Antivirus employment protection program is designed to help businesses protect their jobs. The state will use the Labor Office of the Czech Republic to compensate companies for the funds paid out. This measure will help employers better manage the current situation and will not have to resort to layoffs.
Czech Republic Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Introduction of the institute of tax return retroactivity - entrepreneurs will be able to recover any loss reported in 2020 in their tax bases in 2019 and 2018, thereby obtaining a refund from the Financial Administration.
Denmark Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Liquidity relase in the amount of EUR million  18
Denmark Employment support New working schemes Social partners have agreed on exceptions from collective agreements to allow employers to force people to go on holiday
Denmark Employment support Subsidies for employee sick leave Sick leave benefits for people with COVID-19 will be fully covered by the government.
Denmark Employment support Support to self-employed persons Self-employed and freelancers experiencing a drop in turnover of more than 30% can get cash support amounting to 75% of the loss (max EUR 3 100 per month).
Denmark Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals For firms experiencing large falls in demand, the employees can be sent home and the government will cover 75% of the salary (maximum EUR 3 100)
Denmark Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals The Danish government would cover 75% of employees’ salaries if firms committed not to lay off workers. This program will last for three months, or until 9 June 2020. The subsidy will cover a maximum of 23,000 Danish krone/month ($3,418).
Denmark Other finance Support for firms which need to close or have reduced their activities Firms with a drop in turnover of more than 30% can get cash support to cover part of their fixed costs ( 75% but maximum EUR 3 100), full compensation of fixed costs are provided to firms forced to temporarily close due to the lockdown.
Dominican Republic Debt finance Central Bank lending to financial institutions Liquidity provision measures of RD$52 billion (USD 963 million) to financial institutions
Dominican Republic Debt finance Delayed repayments. Deferral of payments, restructuring and rescheduling Authorization to financial institutions to freeze ratings and provisions and restructuring of credits. Authorization to be considered unexpired loans disbursed against lines of credit for a period of 60 days. Extension for 90 days of the period granted to the debtor for updating guarantees of appraisals
Dominican Republic Debt finance Increasing liquidity in banking sector Reduction of interest rates from 4.50% to 3.50% per year and other bank rates to inject liquidity. Disminution the interest rate of Repos at 1 day from 6.00% to 4.50% per year and Overnight from 3.00% to 2.50% per year.
Dominican Republic Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms The government announces that 10 billion pesos will be allocated to loans to households and micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in the trade sector and some 12 billion pesos will be allocated to productive sectors, such as tourism and the imported sector, at interest rates not more than 8% per year.
Ecuador Debt finance Delayed repayments. Deferral of payments, restructuring and rescheduling Banks deferred payments of loans, government deferred payments of some taxes, labor regulations have been relaxed to accommodate for remote and reduced work, extra support to digital platforms
Egypt Employment support Support informal sector workers An exceptional, one-off payment of EGP 500 is planned for informal workers registered in the workforce directorates databases of governorates.
El Salvador Business costs Utilities – reductions, direct payment or indirect (e.g. tax concession for suppliers/landlords) The government has granted a waiver for utility bills payments for individuals and legal entities directly affected by curfew enacted because of COVID-19 for three months. Utilities include electricity, water, telephone, cable, and internet
El Salvador Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Credit facilities for micro, small, medium and large companies for productive credit to the agricultural sectors, construction, services, tourism, manufacturing industry, home acquisition, trade, electricity, gas, water, health services, transport, storage and communications.
El Salvador Employment support Support informal sector workers The government of President Nayib Bukele has pledged to give $300 to some 1.5 million households (75 percent ) who work in the informal economy such as house cleaners and street vendors who lack a financial safety net.
El Salvador Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals Support to employers for the payment of contribution fees to SAP.
El Salvador Other finance Incentives for investors (e.g. angel investors), new or enhanced incentives Fiscal incentives for investment in new productive projects, creation of  angel capital funds and co-investment.
El Salvador Regulations Reduced compliance requirements (including no face to face, only electronic), fewer/no inspections simplification of procedures for my MYPE account
Estonia Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Liquidity relase in the amount of EUR million  73
Estonia Employment support Unemployment benefit The Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund will compensate 70% of the average wages from the last 12 months but no more than Euro 1,000. The compensation is paid to those workers with no work to carry out, or whose wages were already cut because of the lack of workload. The cost of the decreased wages compensation measure is Euro 250M6
Estonia Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals New benefit to support employers in sectors which are currently hit the hardest by the crisis in order to avoid/postpone redundancies and partial cover salaries.
Finland Debt finance Credit guarantees - new schemes, more generous guarantee levels Loan guarantees for firms (4% of GDP), most notably via Finnvera
Finland Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Liquidity relase in the amount of EUR million  24
Finland Employment support Support to self-employed persons Temporary recognition of entrepreneurs and freelancers as unemployment benefit recipients. Elimination of waiting period for unemployment
Finland Employment support Unemployment benefit Workers laid off can claim income-linked benefits, provided they are a member of an unemployment fund through their trade union or independently. In addition, the government will eliminate the waiting period before people can claim unemployment benefits, and allow freelancers and sole traders to claim unemployment benefits without shutting down their businesses
Finland Other finance Grants, Insurance Increase of grants (0.1% of GDP): the public funding agency Business Finland's grant authorisations will be increased to permit immediate business support measures.
France Business advice Mediation services (contracts, financial etc) State-backed credit mediator available for repayment issues
France Business costs Utilities – reductions, direct payment or indirect (e.g. tax concession for suppliers/landlords) SMEs facing difficulties would stop paying rent, electricity, gas and water bills.
France Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Liquidity relase in the amount of EUR million  312
France Employment support Subsidies for employee sick leave Coverage of paid sick-leave (without firm cost-sharing) of workers who will have to stay home to take care of their children
France Employment support Support to self-employed persons A transfer of EUR 1,500 will be provided to the self-employed and other SMEs as part of the solidarity fund
France Employment support Support to self-employed persons Coverage of  self-employed workers experiencing a very sharp drop in turnover (70% loss between March 2020 and March 2019)
France Employment support Unemployment benefit Unemployed people will continue receiving their benefits and the confinement period will not be counted in the calculations of unemployment benefit rights
France Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals Extension of short-time work schemes (including domestic work) through higher coverage of workers’ payments
France Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals Special unemployment benefits for employees who stop working. The company compensates 70% of gross wages (about 84% of net). Minimum wage earners or less are compensated 100%. The company will be fully reimbursed by the state for those earning up to 6,927 euros gross monthly— that is, 4.5x minimum wage7
France Other finance Support for firms which need to close or have reduced their activities Coverage of very small businesses (turnover < €1M), and micro entrepreneurs experiencing a very sharp drop in turnover (70% loss between March 2020 and March 2019) or subject to administrative closure.
France Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Postponements of social security contributions and corporate/personal income tax payments for firms and entrepreneurs
Germany Business climate Consider bankruptcy/business closure/insolvency business restructuring regulation changes Insolvency application will be suspended for a period up to September 30, 2020 for  companies in virus related difficulties
Germany Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Liquidity relase in the amount of EUR million  328
Germany Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms the entire federal government.Germany authorized its state bank (a bank run by the government, but not a central bank), KfW, to lend out as much as $610 billion to companies to cushion the effects of the coronavirus.
Germany Employment support New working schemes Further extensions to Kurzarbeit regulations (short-time work) allow companies to keep employees instead of laying them off. Employees work a reduced number of hours and get 60% of salary from the employer for up to 12 months (and the government pays their public social insurance contributions). Workers with children get 67% of the salary7
Germany Employment support New working schemes Reduced hours compensation benefit will also be available to temporary/agency workers. Complete reimbursement of social security contributions by the Federal Labour Office
Germany Employment support Subsidies for employee sick leave Where the Infection Protection Act applies, for the first six weeks the amount provided as sick leave corresponds to the net salary, after which the amount equals to sick leave benefits.
Germany Employment support Support to self-employed persons Freelancers such as artists and nurses are to receive direct grants of up to Euro 15,000 over 3 months. A total of Euro 50B is planned for this purpos
Germany Employment support Support to self-employed persons Self-employed persons and freelancers will receive compensation for loss of earnings based on the profits established in the tax declaration of the previous calendar year.
Germany Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals Employees who can not work will continue to receive a salary and employers will be reimbursed by the Federal Government. The wages are also paid during the quarantine.
Greece Business costs Rent/leasing - reductions (if government is landlord), direct payment or indirect (e.g. tax concession for suppliers/ landlords) Companies that have closed because of  COVID will pay only 60% of their rent in March and April.
Greece Employment support Support to self-employed persons 800 euros payment (to be made in the first half of April) to self-employed workers
Greece Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals 800 euros payment (to be made in the first half of April) to about 500 000 employees in the companies/businesses closed because of COVID (Government decision) and payment of their social security contributions.
Greece Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals A transfer of Euro 800 (to be made in the first half of April) to about 500,000 employees in companies/businesses closed because of COVID (also selfemployed workers); this also includes payment of their social security contributions.
Greece Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Social contributions payments and tax obligations due in March have been postponed by 4 months for the affected companies/businesses.
Guatemala Debt finance Central Bank lending to financial institutions Facilitate lines of credit to the banking sector, probably through the Central Bank, to allocate it to the most vulnerable companies.
Guatemala Debt finance Credit guarantees - new schemes, more generous guarantee levels Support to MSMEs through a US$ 15m Guarantee Fund managed by the state bank Crédito Hipotecario Nacional.
Guatemala Debt finance Delayed repayments. Deferral of payments, restructuring and rescheduling Monetary Board has temporarily eased (180-day period) credit risk management regulations to enable loan restructuring, loan payments moratorium, and the use of generic provisions
Guatemala Debt finance Increasing liquidity in banking sector Bank of Guatemala lowered its policy rate by 50 basis points to 2.25 percent
Guatemala Other finance Support for firms which need to close or have reduced their activities Provision of a Q100 million fund (USD 12.93 million) for MSMEs.
Guatemala Tax Expedited tax reimbursements Accelerate processing of US$ 300 m in tax returns to exporting companies
Haiti Debt finance Delayed repayments. Deferral of payments, restructuring and rescheduling Central bank ease  loan repayment obligations for three months
Haiti Debt finance Increasing liquidity in banking sector The central bank moved immediately to ease conditions in the financial system, including reducing the refinance and  reference rates, reducing reserve requirements on domestic currency deposits, and suspending fees on interbank transactions
Honduras Debt finance Delayed repayments. Deferral of payments, restructuring and rescheduling Banhprovi will freeze funding quotas for three months,
Honduras Debt finance Delayed repayments. Deferral of payments, restructuring and rescheduling The government issued a decree mandating all supervised financial institutions to provide temporary debt service relief to companies and individuals whose incomes have been affected by the crisis. Debt service of affected sectors will be suspended until end-June, without penalties or impact on credit classification.
Honduras Debt finance Increasing liquidity in banking sector The central bank cut the policy rate by 75 bps to 4.5 percent and The BCH also announced the suspension of issuance of oneday BCH bills, resulting in liquidity increase of L10,600 mn(
Honduras Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Branhprovi will make available to banks the first installment of 200 million lempiras (USD 7.99 million), additional to a total of 4 billion (UD 16 million) to revive the construction industry. This will benefit 200 families and generate around a thousand direct jobs.
Honduras Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Support to micro and small entrepreneurs through Crédito Solidario and the Entrepreneurship Service (SENPRENDE) to make available 51 million lempiras to serve 5,000 entrepreneurs.
Honduras Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms To serve micros and small entrepreneurs through solidarity credits totaling 51 million lempiras (USD 2.04 million) for five thousand entrepreneurs.
Hungary Debt finance Delayed repayments. Deferral of payments, restructuring and rescheduling Loan repayment moratorium (both principal and interest) for both private individuals and companies until the end of the year
Hungary Debt finance Delayed repayments. Deferral of payments, restructuring and rescheduling Stop on Individuals and company loan payments until December 2020 and short term company loans get automatically elongated until June 30.
Hungary Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Liquidity relase in the amount of EUR million  855
Hungary Tax Corporate tax – rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals ‘Small taxpayer’ Enterprises (Kisadózó vállalkozások) working in personal transport industry (taxis etc.) have some corporate tax exemptions
Hungary Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Employers in tourism and hospitality, entertainment movie making and performing arts, gambling, event management, those providing sport services are exempt from paying social security contributions after their employees between March and June.
Hungary Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Sectors particularly affected by the crisis (tourism, hospitality, entertainment, sport, cultural services, personal transportation/taxi companies) are exempting employers from paying social security contributions. Employees’ contributions are significantly reduced until 30 June; also, the health insurance premium is reduced to the statutory minimum.
Iceland Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals Up to 75% of salary for short-term workers or unemployed
Iceland Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Deferral of tax payments; financial support for tourism sector; refund of VAT for construction projects.
India Employment support Retirement funds frontloading Amending its pension regulations, so that workers can draw up to 75% for their contingency expenditure non-refundable advance or three months of wages in advance, whichever is less.
India Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals For formal employees,  the government has committed to pay employee provident fund contributions on behalf of employees and employers (12% each) for the next three months, for firms with up to 100 employees, where 90% of them are earning less than INR15,000 per month.
India Tax Corporate tax – rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Tax deferral
Indonesia Business climate Reduce import restrictions (NTBs, duties) on intermediate goods Relaxation of import and export restrictions and prohibitions on certain goods (Lartas) and of other trade procedures, especially for 735 reputable traders with a good track record of regulatory compliance, notably to accelerate imports of raw and semi-finished materials for local manufacturers.
Indonesia Business climate Reduce import restrictions (NTBs, duties) on intermediate goods The government aims to develop and expand its network of economic linkages through new free trade and double tax agreements with international partners.
Indonesia Business costs Utilities – reductions, direct payment or indirect (e.g. tax concession for suppliers/landlords) State-run oil company will give discounts on jet fuel equivalent to 265 billion rupiah (US$18 million) at nine airports to support airlines provide the 30 percent airfare discounts.
Indonesia Debt finance Capital buffer safeguards requirements on banks Capital buffer safeguards requirements on banks
Indonesia Debt finance Delayed repayments. Deferral of payments, restructuring and rescheduling Rules governing loan restructuring for SMEs will be eased, allowing local banks to restructure loans regardless of credit ceiling limits.
Indonesia Debt finance Existing lending with reduced or no interest loans, delayed repayments, lower collateral requirements Interest rate (-25bp)
Indonesia Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms SMEs with good credit history and capacity to pay back are eligible for loans of up to 10 billion rupiah (US$655,000)
Indonesia Demand Targeted (sector or region) expenditure programs 103 billion rupiah (US$7.1 million) towards tourism marketing and promotion and an estimated 72 billion (US$5 million) to social media influencers to also promote the country’s tourist hotspots.
Indonesia Regulations Reduced compliance requirements (including no face to face, only electronic), fewer/no inspections Accelerate the integration of the Indonesia National Single Window (online platform for paying trade-related duties and taxes) with Inaportnet (platform for processing trade permits and licensing).
Indonesia Regulations Reduced compliance requirements (including no face to face, only electronic), fewer/no inspections Regulatory forbearance with banking sector stimuli
Indonesia Tax Corporate tax – rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals A key dispositions of the stimulus package is to reduce corporate tax payments for manufacturing companies
Indonesia Tax Corporate tax – rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Corporate income tax reduced by 30%
Indonesia Tax Corporate tax – rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Hotel and restaurant tax suspended in Bali and nine other tourist destinations for the next six months. Local governments will be compensated by the central government for the loss of taxes which is estimated to total US$230 million
Indonesia Tax Corporate tax – rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Import tax payment deferred for businesses in 19 selected manufacturing industries for the next six months
Indonesia Tax Expedited tax reimbursements Expedited tax refunds to increase businesses’ cash at hand.
Indonesia Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Granted tax deferment facilities
Indonesia Tax Targeted (sector or region) expenditure programs A IDR 120 trillion (USD 8.1b) stimulus package, representing 0.8% of GDP. A key disposition includes exempting some manufacturing workers from income tax.
Ireland Business advice Support subsidized business advice (e.g. through vouchers) and information (e.g. through chambers, industry organizations, accountants, etc.) on emergency support measures, and business operations “Finance in focus” grant of up to LCU 7,200 available to Enterprise Ireland and Údarás na Gaeltachta clients to support financial planning
Ireland Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms A €200m Working Capital scheme for eligible businesses impacted by COVID-19 and a €200m Package for Enterprise Suppors including a Rescue and Restructuring Scheme for viable but vulnerable firms that need to restructure or transform their businesses
Ireland Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Liquidity relase in the amount of EUR million  1
Ireland Employment support Subsidies for employee sick leave A worker who is diagnosed with COVID-19, or is suspected of having COVID-19 and is medically required to self-isolate, can get income support without having to wait for 6 days and at a hgiher rate than before.
Ireland Employment support Subsidies for employee sick leave Eligible people will be paid €305 per week (as compared with the normal Illness Benefit rate of €203). This is available to employees and the self-employed.
Ireland Employment support Support to self-employed persons Legislation in preparation to allow workers required to self-isolate to get income support  where Self-employed will also be covered.
Ireland Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals Payment for companies whose income has dropped by 25% but still want to retain their staff. In these cases, the State will pay 70% of employee salaries up to €410 per week, whis measure is worth €3.7 billion including unemployment insurance
Ireland Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals The COVID-19 Wage Subsidy allows employers to pay their employees during the current pandemic. Employers will be refunded up to 70 percent of an employee's wages - capped at a maximum weekly tax free payment of €410 per employe
Ireland Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Deferral to stamp duty and extensive supports for SMEs.
Israel Debt finance Credit guarantees - new schemes, more generous guarantee levels The fund for state guaranteed loans to support mainly SMEs with cash-flow problems was increased from NIS 4 billion to NIS 8 billion.
Israel Employment support Unemployment benefit All employees on unpaid leave for at least 30 days will be able to claim unemployment benefits immediately.
Italy Business advice Vouchers for remote business services (e.g. purchasing teleworking service products) Simplification of the rules applied to tenders for purchasing laptops for teleworking in the public sector.
Italy Debt finance Credit guarantees - new schemes, more generous guarantee levels Increased generosity of the public credit guarantee fund for SMEs (including an ease of eligibility criteria, the increase of the maximum guarantee to EUR 5 million, the removal of fees)
Italy Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Liquidity relase in the amount of EUR million  853
Italy Employment support New working schemes Short-time work schemes extended to all companies.
Italy Employment support Subsidies for employee sick leave Parents of children younger than 12 are allowed to take leave for up to 15 (combined) days starting from 5 March 2020 while receiving 50% of the salary paid by the state. Absence from quarantine would be considered as sick leave, with the costs paid by the state
Italy Employment support Subsidies for employee sick leave Quarantine, if imposed by medical authorities, and work leave for disabled/immunocompromised individuals is considered as sick leave; payments usually covered by the employers are charged to the State.
Italy Employment support Support to self-employed persons Lump sum of 600 euro, tax exempt, for the vast majority of the self-employed, seasonal workers in the touristic sector, agricultural employees, workers in performing arts; 100 euro for employees with income below 40K.
Italy Employment support Targeted (sector or region) expenditure programs One-off €600 bonus to self-employed and professional workers, including agricultural, tourism, cultural sector workers. Applications are open as of April 1.
Italy Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals To discourage layoffs during the crisis, employees of companies that have interrupted their activities will be entitled to receive a benefit in the amount of 80% of the salary paid by the state. The measure would be valid for up to nine weeks – and no longer than August 2020
Italy Other finance Support for firms which need to close or have reduced their activities EUR 700 million in measures to support the troubled airlines (and income support for their workers), Alitalia, and Air Italy.
Jamaica Debt finance Increasing liquidity in banking sector the total value of liquidity assistance provided by the Bank to the via its short-term lending facilities and its asset purchase programme amounted to $57B.
Jamaica Employment support Unemployment benefit Temporary cash transfer to individuals when loss of employment can be verified since March 10
Jamaica Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals Several incentives are planned to mitigate employment losses, including direct transfers to businesses to maintain employees
Jamaica Other finance Support for firms which need to close or have reduced their activities temporary cash transfers to businesses in targeted sectors based on the number of workers employed
Jamaica Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Reduction in the VAT rate from 16.5% to 15%.
Japan Business advice Vouchers for remote business services (e.g. purchasing teleworking service products) Vouchers for remote business services (e.g. purchasing teleworking service products)
Japan Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Firms whose sales have been declining by at least 5% due to Covid-19 can get loans at a low interest rate of up to 60 million yen.
Japan Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Providing MSMEs (especially the Tourist industry) with emergency loan and safety-net ($5b), low or zero interest rate for 3 years
Japan Employment support Subsidies for employee sick leave Subsidy provided to firms to cover for employees unable to work (due to infections/school closures etc.) up to $83.3 per employee
Japan Employment support Support to self-employed persons Subsidy for self-employed and freelanced workers unable to work up to $41 per person
Japan Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals A planned subsidy will reimburse two-thirds of the leave allowance for an SME employer, or half for a large enterprise. The subsidy is capped at JPY8,335 a day per employee on leave as of late February 2020
Japan Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals Expanding Employment Adjustment Subsidy Scheme for firms with decreased level of business activities to maintain employment
Japan Regulations Reduced compliance requirements (including no face to face, only electronic), fewer/no inspections Establishment of “special help desks” (face-to-face, email, phone consultation services)
Jordan Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Companies will have the option of stop contributing for the Old Age Program (keeping only disability and health insurance). In the case where firms will choose to do so (they can do it for all or some employees only), they will only pay 5.25% as contribution rate, instead of 21.75%.
Korea Business advice Vouchers for remote business services (e.g. purchasing teleworking service products) Additional export vouchers were made available to support exporting firms affected by COVID-19. Vouchers are for remote business services, including support for MSMEs' transition to online shopping platforms and identifying potential buyers in countries with travel restrictions.
Korea Business climate Reduce import restrictions (NTBs, duties) on intermediate goods Expedite customs procedures for raw and intermediate products
Korea Business climate Reduce import restrictions (NTBs, duties) on intermediate goods Helping to expedite customs procedures for raw and sub-materials
Korea Business climate Reduce import restrictions (NTBs, duties) on intermediate goods Import duty relief
Korea Business costs Rent/leasing - reductions (if government is landlord), direct payment or indirect (e.g. tax concession for suppliers/ landlords) Promote the lowering of commercial rents by providing landlords with a 50 percent income tax break in the first half of the year
Korea Debt finance Central Bank lending to financial institutions The Monetary Policy Board of the Bank of Korea decided to lower the Base Rate by 50 basis points from 1.25% to 0.75%, effective March 17 and the interest rate on the Bank Intermediated Lending Support Facility from 0.50%-0.75% to 0.25%, effective March 17.
Korea Debt finance Credit guarantees - new schemes, more generous guarantee levels Expansion of existing programs through additional funding, expansion of coverage (e.g. duration of loans, coverage of guarantees, fast-tracking application process) and lowered fees.
Korea Debt finance Delayed repayments. Deferral of payments, restructuring and rescheduling Defer loan repayment for SMEs and small businesses: At least six months of deferment to be offered by banks and nonbanking financial institutions
Korea Debt finance Delayed repayments. Deferral of payments, restructuring and rescheduling The state-owned Export-Import Bank will suspend payments on 11.3 trillion won in loans of 877 companies that are to expire within six months. The suspension will last a maximum of one year. Domestic banks to allow loan repayment deferral and suspend interest payments for a minimum of 6 months for SMEs that cannot afford payment when due
Korea Debt finance Existing lending with reduced or no interest loans, delayed repayments, lower collateral requirements Suspend loan interest payments for SMEs and small businesses: For six months starting on April 1
Korea Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms A total of 12 trillion won to be spent on emergency funding for business operation and low interest rate loans
Korea Demand Targeted (sector or region) expenditure programs Promote consumption: Give a 70 percent individual consumption tax cut for car purchases, and a 10 percent refund for the purchases of high energy-efficiency home appliances  and by issuing discount coupons to be used for purchasing cultural events and farm products, as well as for tourism expenses and paychecks
Korea Employment support Subsidies for employee sick leave Employees who are (self-)qurantined or hospitalised are entitled to paid leave from the employer or living allowance from the government and KRW 50 000/day is paid up to 5 days to workers whose 1) grandparents, parents, partner, partner’s parents, grand children are confirmed of Covid19 or show symptoms of Covid19
Korea Employment support Support to self-employed persons Subsidies to intermediate governments which will be used for employment protection programmes for non-regular workers and daily workers.
Korea Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals 500 billion won ($406 million) through June for wage subsidies for affected firms in all sectors keeping employees on the payroll, up to 90% of wages for SMEs and 67% for large companies
Korea Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals Provide employment support for businesses hit hard, such as tourism
Korea Other finance Grants, Insurance Underwriting greater level of accounts receivable insurance and lowering insurance premiums
Korea Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals National and local government tax relief, it is part of  a stimulos package of  16 billion USD
Korea Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals National and local government tax relief, it is part of a stimulus package of 16 billion USD
Kosovo Business costs Utilities – reductions, direct payment or indirect (e.g. tax concession for suppliers/landlords) Rent subsidy up to 50% of the rent value for small and medium enterprises for April and May, a measure amounting to €12M
Kosovo Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals Covering of expenditures for the monthly salaries in the amount of €170 for April and May, a measure amounting to €41M
Latvia Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Liquidity relase in the amount of EUR million  118
Lithuania Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Liquidity relase in the amount of EUR million  222
Lithuania Employment support Support to self-employed persons Lump sum transfer of EUR 257 for self employed workers who contributed to social security over the last 3 months
Lithuania Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals Maximum sickness benefit of 100 percent from net pay for sick workers
Lithuania Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals Wage (pension) subsidy for grandparents taking care of children
Lithuania Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals Wage subsidy of 60% of the salary and up to 600 Euros to promote home working
Lithuania Tax Corporate tax – rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals An economic stimulus plan (EUR 2.5 billion) to mitigate the effects of the coronavirus. Measures include postponement of the payments date of tax arrears for the affected taxpayers and subsidies to preserve jobs.
Luxemburg Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Liquidity relase in the amount of EUR million  1
Luxemburg Employment support Subsidies for employee sick leave Wage (pension) subsidy for grandparents taking care of children and sick persons
Luxemburg Other finance Grants, Insurance Firms can request grants in case of calamity
Malaysia Business advice Vouchers for remote business services (e.g. purchasing teleworking service products) The government will allocate 40 million ringgit (US$9 million) to help SMEs in the agriculture sector to sell their products on e-commerce platforms and therefore to a larger pool of consumers.
Malaysia Business costs Utilities – reductions, direct payment or indirect (e.g. tax concession for suppliers/landlords) RM 500 million allocated for a 15% discount on monthly electricity bills for six categories of businesses (hotel operators, travel agencies, local airlines offices, shopping malls, convention centres and theme parks) from April to September 2020, and 2% for commercial, industrial, agricultural sectors (Feb. 27); Extra RM530 million to provide a gradual discount of 15% to 50% on electricity usage with a maximum limit of 600 kilowatts per month
Malaysia Debt finance Central Bank lending to financial institutions Bank Negara Malaysia (the central bank) will provide 3 billion-ringgit (US$693 million) worth in loans for SMEs to be distributed through commercial banks at an interest rate capped at 3.5 percent per annum
Malaysia Debt finance Credit guarantees - new schemes, more generous guarantee levels Government to provide a RM50 billion guarantee scheme with a guarantee of up to 80 per cent of the loan amount for the purpose of financing working capital requirements for applications by businesses in all sectors
Malaysia Debt finance Delayed repayments. Deferral of payments, restructuring and rescheduling A six-month moratorium will be granted on all consumer loans from April 2020 to September 2020.
Malaysia Debt finance Delayed repayments. Deferral of payments, restructuring and rescheduling Allow banks to do restructuring and rescheduling (R&R) under specific and exceptional circumstances.
Malaysia Debt finance Existing lending with reduced or no interest loans, delayed repayments, lower collateral requirements Interest rate (-50bp)
Malaysia Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms A total of 300 million ringgit (US$68 million) in loans has been prepared for SMEs looking to digitalize or automate their business
Malaysia Demand Targeted (sector or region) expenditure programs A special income tax relief worth 1,000 ringgit (US$226) is available to individuals for expenses on domestic tourism from March 1, 2020, to August 31, 2020, for a total of RM500 million
Malaysia Demand Targeted (sector or region) expenditure programs To support the tourism industry, the government has allocated US$113 million in the form of: (i) 30 million ringgit (US$6 million) will be provided to Tourism Malaysia, the country’s tourism board, to increase promotion on Malaysian tourism in the Middle East, Europe, ASEAN, and South Asia, and (ii) the government, in collaboration with airlines, resorts, and hotels, will offer travel discount vouchers of to 100 ringgit (US$22) per person, starting March 2020.
Malaysia Employment support Support to self-employed persons  One-off payment of RM600 (US$144) to taxi, tourist and trishaw drivers and tourist guides.
Malaysia Employment support Support to self-employed persons RM60 million for e-hailing drivers to receive a one-off payment of RM500 each
Malaysia Other finance Incentives for investors (e.g. angel investors), new or enhanced incentives To sustain economic growth and private consumption, the government will provide incentives to encourage more private investments, while also accelerating public investments.
Malaysia Tax Corporate tax – rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Travel agencies, hotels, airlines, as well as businesses in the tourism industry, will be given a deferment of their monthly tax installments for six months and SMEs allowed to postpone payment of income tax installments for a period of three months beginning April 1, 2020
Malaysia Tax Incentives for capital expenditure (larger/wider limits, accelerated depreciation, broader range of products eligible) To incentivize businesses to undertake investments in 2020, qualifying capital expenditures on machinery and equipment including ICT equipment are given Accelerated Capital Allowance which can be claimed within a two-year period for expenses incurred from 1 March 2020 to 31 December 2020
Malaysia Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Options for delaying payments, restructuring and rescheduling employer contributions to the Employees Provident Fund. to provide cash flow savings estimated at RM10 billion to 480,000 SMEs
Malta Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Liquidity relase in the amount of EUR million  9
Mexico Debt finance Capital buffer safeguards requirements on banks Bank of Mexico (central bank) reduced the Monetary Regulation Deposit by MXN 50 billion, which will be channeled to support active transactions of commercial and development banks, thus improving their liquidity and their capacity to grant credits and to maintain or expand their credit lines.
Mexico Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Good-faith loans ('crédito a la palabra') of up to MXN 25 thousand with an interest rate of 6.5%, with a target of 500,000 informal micro-enterprises owned by low-income families ('Tandas para el Bienestar'). Recently announced by the President of Mexico. Operation rules and mechanism still under designed.
Mexico Other finance Financial regulation The banking regulator (CNBV) issued special accounting criteria so that credit institutions can grant a partial or total deferment of principal and / or interest payments for up to 6 months for clients affected by the crisis. CNBV also issued recommendations to banking institutions to refrain from paying dividends or buying back shares or adopting any other mechanism aimed at rewarding shareholders.
Mongolia Business climate Reduce import restrictions (NTBs, duties) on intermediate goods Exemption of import tax (customs and VAT) on food items including wheat, seeds, all types of rice, sugar, and vegetable oil.
Mongolia Business costs Rent/leasing - reductions (if government is landlord), direct payment or indirect (e.g. tax concession for suppliers/ landlords) Reduce income tax on landlords who reduce their rents on spaces in market places, malls, and other service-related areas.
Mongolia Debt finance Delayed repayments. Deferral of payments, restructuring and rescheduling The Bank of Mongolia indicated that banks may restructure their clients’ loans upon to postpone interest payments.
Mongolia Debt finance Increasing liquidity in banking sector Measures to increase liquidity in the banking sector, including reduction of interest rate and relaxation of capital requirements
Mongolia Demand Procurement - Increase purchases  from SMEs and/or Increase margin for SME-sourced product; ease procurement processes Accelerate process of tendering for public investment projects
Mongolia Demand Procurement - Increase purchases  from SMEs and/or Increase margin for SME-sourced product; ease procurement processes Accelerating the process of tendering the public investment projects to stimulate the economy in the short term
Mongolia Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals The Government will provide a wage subsidy of RM600/month (50% of the minimum wage) for three months, targeted to workers earning RM4,000 or less and have experienced a 50% wage reduction since 1 January 2020. Employers will be disallowed from laying off these workers and from reducing workers’ existing wages. This is expected to benefit 3.3 million workers costing RM5.9 billion
Mongolia Tax Corporate tax – rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals The government will waive personal income taxes for 526,000 entities and individuals between April 1 and October 1, with the exception of public servants, employees of state and local state-owned enterprises, and companies that have received government tenders
Mongolia Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals The government will exempt businesses and entities from paying social insurances fees between April 1 and October 1, however, health insurance fees will need to be paid.
Mongolia Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Waive penalties on employers who fail to pay the CIT and social security contributions in time, during the period of heightened emergency.
Myanmar Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms COVID-19 Fund will be established at the Myanmar Economic Bank with a capital of MMK100 billion (US$71 million) to provide loans to businesses in the apparel, hospitality and tourism sectors and SMEs owned by Myanmar nationals which are suffering the most negative economic consequences
Myanmar Tax Corporate tax – rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Payments for the income tax for the second quarter due on 31 March 2020 and for the third quarter due on 30 June for the 2019-2020 fiscal year will have the payment period extended to 30 September
Namibia Employment support Support to self-employed persons  Tax-back loan scheme for tax registered and tax paying (PAYE) employees and self-employed individual persons who have lost income or part thereof.
Nepal Business costs Utilities – reductions, direct payment or indirect (e.g. tax concession for suppliers/landlords) Selected industries to get 30-50% discount on electricity consumed (to make use of excess capacity during lockdown/economic slowdown).
Nepal Debt finance Delayed repayments. Deferral of payments, restructuring and rescheduling Firms to get a one-month extension for the following: - payments of loan (interest + capital) against provident fund and citizen
Nepal Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals Social Security Fund (contributory SI program) payment for both employee and employer (total of 31% of wages/salaries) for this month to be provided by the government
Nepal Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Companies can benefit from the suspension of social security contributions for the period from March 1 to June 30, 2020 with graceful remission of late payment increases for this period for employers in difficulty
Nepal Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals irms to get a one-month extension for entry and payment of trimestral installments of VAT, excise duty, income tax, and other fees (education service, telecommunication service etc.);
Netherlands Business costs Rent/leasing - reductions (if government is landlord), direct payment or indirect (e.g. tax concession for suppliers/ landlords) The Dutch government has moved to stop eviction during the COVID-19 period, and is preparing legislation to extend time-limited rental contracts.
Netherlands Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Liquidity relase in the amount of EUR million  14
Netherlands Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Temporary bridging loans for small and medium-sized enterprises. One-off €4,000 compensation for entrepreneurs in specific sectors affected by temporary public bans (restaurants, "contact professions").
Netherlands Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Working capital at reduced interest rate for self employed.
Netherlands Employment support New working schemes Employers can apply for a permit for a reduction in working time (werktijdverkorting) at the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, i.e., employees will temporarily work on a reduced schedule. Employees can receive a temporary unemployment benefit for hours not worked, while they remain fully employed.
Netherlands Employment support Support to self-employed persons Self-employed persons can receive additional income support for subsistence for a period of three months through an accelerated procedure
Netherlands Employment support Support to self-employed persons The government announced a three-month provision for self-employed persons with financial problems.Implemented by municipalities, it can be applied for in the form of an additional allowance for living expenses and/or operating capital
Netherlands Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals If revenue falls below 20%, firms can claim wage subsidies for up to 90% up to 3 momths
New Zealand Business costs Rent/leasing - reductions (if government is landlord), direct payment or indirect (e.g. tax concession for suppliers/ landlords) Ban rent increases and look to extend no-cause contract terminations. Introduce "significant support for mortgage holders". More details will be unveiled in coming days.
New Zealand Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals A total of $5.1 billion in wage subsidies was committed for affected businesses in all sectors and regions. Full-time workers (more than 20 hours/week) will receive $585/week under the scheme, with $350 paid to part-time workers. The subsidy is paid as a lump sum and covers 12 weeks per employee
New Zealand Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals NZD 12.1 billion (4% of GDP) fiscal support to help businesses cope with the economic effects of the pandemic (it includes wage subsidies).
New Zealand Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals Payments to self-isolated people:  $585.50 per worker per week for full-time workers and $350 per worker per week for part-time workers. Recommend to employers to provide paid special leave beyond this period, or when workers are self-isolating.
New Zealand Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals Wage subsidies will be available for all employers that are significantly impacted by COVID-19 and are struggling to retain employees as a result
Nigeria Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) introduced the N50 billion Targeted Credit Facility (TCF). N 25 Bn for SMES, N 3 bn for househods. Working capital included
North Maceonia Employment support Support informal sector workers Unemployed and informal sector workers will receive an average of 7,000 denars (US$124) per household. The estimated coverage is about 20,000 new households from the informal economy and 30,000 existing beneficiaries
North Maceonia Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals The government is subsidizing social contributions for employees in companies from sectors of tourism, transport, catering and other affected companies, for April, May, and June of 2020, with a subsidy of contributions per employee up to 50% of the average salary paid in 2019.
Norway Employment support Unemployment benefit The Norwegian parliament agreed on temporary amendments to the rules on unemployment benefit for workers who are laid off from their jobs. Employees  will retain 100% of their pay from day 3 up to and including day 20 of the layoff period, for salaries up to approximately 600 000 NOK ($56,700). The employer-financed period (the period during which the employer must pay laid-off workers) has been reduced from 15 to 2 days. After this, the state will take over responsibility for income security for employees who are laid off
Oman Debt finance Capital buffer safeguards requirements on banks Reduce Capital Conservation Buffers for banks to 1.25% from 2.5%;
Oman Debt finance Delayed repayments. Deferral of payments, restructuring and rescheduling Accept all requests for deferment of loan instalments / interest / profit for affected borrowers, particularly SMEs, with immediate effect for the next 6 months. All package amounts to $20 bn package
Oman Debt finance Existing lending with reduced or no interest loans, delayed repayments, lower collateral requirements Repo rate cut by 75bps to 0.5%;. the measure is inside of an $20bn incentive package.
Panama Debt finance Delayed repayments. Deferral of payments, restructuring and rescheduling Debt-service relief (3 months) to the private sector by the financial secto and by the tax administration (for national and subnational taxes).
Panama Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Banking supervision agency allowing banks to tap into the banking sector reserve up to about $1.4b to facilitate working capital to SMEs.
Panama Employment support Subsidies for employee sick leave Paid leave is paid to workers in quarantine or recovery
Panama Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Tax amnesty expansion until June 30, 2020 and Forgiveness of 85% interest, surcharges and fines for debts to the tax.
Paraguay Debt finance Delayed repayments. Deferral of payments, restructuring and rescheduling Facilities are granted to financial intermediaries by extending the time limits for the disposal of assets awarded in payment of loans,  postponing the obligation to set out provisions on those assets.
Paraguay Debt finance Increasing liquidity in banking sector Interest rates have been lowered for the Longest Term Permanent Liquidity Facilities, the FPL – First Tranche (Up to 30 days in time) and FPL – Second Tranche (30 additional days to the FPL – First Tranche).
Paraguay Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms New credit lines announced by public development banks
Paraguay Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Public companies may request the National Development Bank or the PublicTreasury lines of credit with the aim of financing temporary requirements resulting from the decrease in their incomes
Paraguay Other finance Support for firms which need to close or have reduced their activities Use of 20% of uncapitalized profits of public companies allowed to support AFD with lines of support to MSMEs, and allows 20% of the BNF's uncapitalized profits to be used to create an AFD-managed MSMEs trust fund that can be used by entities overseen by SBS and Incoop.
Paraguay Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Intention is declared to eliminate import duties and reduce the VAT from 10 percent (standard rate) to 5 percent. (march 18)
Peru Business costs Delayed repayments. Deferral of payments, restructuring and rescheduling Banks to postpone debt payments of their clients.
Peru Debt finance Credit guarantees - new schemes, more generous guarantee levels ensure companies’ payment chains by granting credit guarantees
Peru Debt finance Delayed repayments. Deferral of payments, restructuring and rescheduling Measures have been taken to make it more flexible for banks to reschedule payments held by individuals and businesses more than 12 billion suns (US$3.378 million). Sunat has also taken action in its sector, among others.
Peru Debt finance Increasing liquidity in banking sector The Central Reserve Bank of Peru (BCRP) held an auction of Repo of currencies for S/ 400 million (USD 113 million) within one year, at an interest rate of 3.1 percent. It injected liquidity into the financial market for S/500 million (USD 141 million) within 6 months, through an auction of Repo of currencies at an interest rate of 2.80%. Also has reducen  the benchmark interest rate by 100 basis points from 2.25 per cent to 1.25 per cent
Peru Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Business credit support fund for S/ 300 million.
Peru Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Measures have been taken to speed up the operation of the 800 million soles (US$225 million) Fund to speed up the 300 million soles to inject liquidity into micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in the country.
Peru Debt finance Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals IT and financial transaction tax payment extension for SMEs.
Peru Employment support Support informal sector workers The Government will give the equivalent of 380 suns (US$105) to each family living in the informal sector and Self-employed workers living on the "day-to-day" will be included as beneficiaries
Peru Other finance Foreign exchange Interventions Include interventions in the FOREX market with currency swaps and IR. Te availability of 30% of GDP in IR support this measure.
Peru Production Expenditure programs Support to enterprises, for an approximate total of S/ 2.2 billion (US$ 620 million) of additional spending.
Philippines Debt finance Delayed repayments. Deferral of payments, restructuring and rescheduling Banks and other financial institutions may be directed to implement a 30-day grace period for the payment of all loans and credit card payments, falling due within the period of the enhanced community quarantine. Interests, penalties, fees, or other charges shall be waived
Philippines Debt finance Existing lending with reduced or no interest loans, delayed repayments, lower collateral requirements Interest rate (-25 bp). Signaled an additional 25 bp cut later in the year
Philippines Debt finance Increasing liquidity in banking sector Measures to increase liquidity in the banking sector, including reduction of interest rate and relaxation of capital requirements
Philippines Demand Targeted (sector or region) expenditure programs Expansionary budget, with a planned 12% y/y increase of spending. Additional spending for tourism sector (0.03% of GDP).
Philippines Employment support Support informal sector workers Informal sector workers who have temporarily lost their livelihood due to the enhanced community quarantine, can apply for temporary employment program, limited to 10 days of work involving disinfection/sanitation of their houses and immediate vicinity.
Philippines Employment support Unemployment benefit The Social Security System mobilized existing P1.2 billion to cover unemployment benefits for displaced workers. This will cover unemployment insurance benefits to projected 30,000 to 60,000 workers who will lose their jobs as a result of the possible layoffs in, or closures of, private companies hit by the economic fallou
Philippines Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) is providing one-time financial assistance equivalent to PHP 5,000 (USD 100) under COVID-19 Adjustment Measures Program (CAMP) to affected workers in private establishments that have adopted flexible work arrangements or temporary closure
Poland Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Liquidity relase in the amount of EUR million  1125
Poland Employment support Subsidies for employee sick leave Wage  subsidy for those taking care of children and sick
Poland Employment support Support to self-employed persons One-person companies and people working based on civil law contracts could get up to 80% of the minimum wage from governement
Poland Employment support Support to self-employed persons One-time cash payment PLN2000 for the self-employed in the case of substatial income drop. If economic activity is stopped due to coronavirus a self-employed receives sick-leave benefit.
Poland Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals Employers meeting specific criteria concerning turnover decline could lower employee's working time to 80% (and get 40% of average wage covered by the state, with firms covering the remaining 40%). In case of significant problems, companies can use economic stoppage with wages reduced to 0.5 of regular level; the government will cover almost half of the remuneration.
Poland Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals Under certain conditions companies can use short-time work schemes and the State will cover half of the salary. State can finance up to 40% of employment cost in the case of at least 15% income drop wihtin 3 months
Poland Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals No interest on TAX and Social security arrears in specific cases. In the case of downtime caused by the coronavirus, the state pays unemployment benefit (on top)  if employers pay at least minmum wage to the employees.
Portugal Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Liquidity relase in the amount of EUR million  405
Portugal Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms On a case-by-case basis, deferral of social security contributions and taxes, guaranteed treasury loans of 200 million Euros for SMEs.
Portugal Employment support Increased labor training subsidies Support for vocational training, in the amount of 50% of the worker's remuneration up to the minimum wage, for workers not employed in productive activities for a considerable period of time.
Portugal Employment support Subsidies for employee sick leave Social security takes care of sick workers under a sick leave scheme.
Portugal Employment support Support to self-employed persons Parents who are self-employed or independent workers and can no longer work to take care of their kids (up to 12 again) because of school closure, receive 1/3 of their average wage paid by Social Security.
Portugal Employment support Support to self-employed persons Portugal announced plans on 13 March 2020 to provide financial support for the self-employed in the amount of Euro 438 for 6 months. This is designed for parents with children up to 12 years old, and pays an amount of about 2/3 of the average salary
Portugal Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals

 Simplified lay-off regime for companies (with activity substantially affected by COVID-19), whereby workers will be entitled to gross wages equivalent to 2/3 of their wages, of which 30% supported by the employer and 70% by social security, up to a maximum of 6 months.
Portugal Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals Wage subsidy: workers will only receive 2/3 of their salary during that period. These 2/3 of salary will be paid half-half by the employer and the Social Security.
Portugal Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Companies exempted from Social Security contributions in lay-off or closure determined by the Health Authority, as well as on the first month after the resumption of activity. Special support to self-employed (affected activity) and deferral of social contributions
Qatar Business costs Rent/leasing - reductions (if government is landlord), direct payment or indirect (e.g. tax concession for suppliers/ landlords) Rent exemption for 6 months
Qatar Business costs Utilities – reductions, direct payment or indirect (e.g. tax concession for suppliers/landlords) Utilities bill exemption for SMEs, affected sectors.
Qatar Debt finance Delayed repayments. Deferral of payments, restructuring and rescheduling Grace period of six months
Romania Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Liquidity relase in the amount of EUR million  491
Romania Employment support Support to self-employed persons Self-employed will receive a special benefit equivalent to 75% of the gross average salary at the national level l (RON 5,163 - approx. US$1,180, taxable)
Romania Employment support Unemployment benefit During the state of emergency, employees will receive a temporary unemployment benefit supported from the Unemployment Social Insurance Budget and European Funds for the days not worked while remaining fully employed (technological unemployment) in the amount of 75% of the gross income, but not more than 75% of the gross average salary at the national level (RON 5,163- approx. US$1,180)
Russian Federation Debt finance Delayed repayments. Deferral of payments, restructuring and rescheduling Requirements for banks to offer loan refinancing and suspension of interest payments for people who become sick with Covid-19.
Russian Federation Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Possibility for SMEs to get preferential loans and restructuring of existing debt.
Russian Federation Employment support Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Three-month moratorium for SMEs on payments of mandatory insurance premia and leasing payments for property to the state or municipal authorities as of 1/3/2020.
Russian Federation Employment support Subsidies for employee sick leave A higher level for the sick leave pay will be introduced. Sick leave payments will be equal to at least one minimum wage 12,130 (US$152) per month until the end of this year
Russian Federation Employment support Support to self-employed persons Quarantined citizens will be compensated, including freelancers and the self-employed, for lost income.
Russian Federation Tax Corporate tax – rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Tax breaks for airlines and firms in the tourism sector.
Russian Federation Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Social insurance contributions have been reduced for small and medium-sized businesses from 30 to 15% on the portion of wages that is above the minimum wage.
Saudi Arabia Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority (SAMA) unveiled a SAR 50 billion (USD 13.3 billion) package (for loans for small and medium buisnesses, or cash strapped retailers)
Saudi Arabia Employment support Increased labor training subsidies The Saudi Human Resources Development Fund announced the allocation of SR2B to support 100,000 job seekers in the private sector (in addition to offering and activating remote work tools as available and alternative options for regular work). A training support track includes SR800M to support 100,000 beneficiaries. And an additional SR1.5B has been allocated to add 100,000 new job seekers in the program
Saudi Arabia Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Postponement of VAT/ excise/ income tax/ Zakat payments, etc.
Saudi Arabia Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Support the private sector including postponement of VAT/ excise/ income tax/ Zakat payments, exemptions of govt dues etc. With a value of SAR 120bn
Serbia Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals The government new package of support includes: - support to large enterprises: 50 percent of the minimum wage to all employees whose contract ended - cover for three -months wages in Micro and SMEs
Singapore Business advice Vouchers for remote business services (e.g. purchasing teleworking service products) SMEs Go Digital program enhanced to include more digital solutions for business continuity with up to 90% and 80% support under Enterprise Development Grant (EDG) and Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG), respectively
Singapore Business costs Reduction or waiver of administrative and government fees. Freeze all government fees and charges for 1 year
Singapore Business costs Rent/leasing - reductions (if government is landlord), direct payment or indirect (e.g. tax concession for suppliers/ landlords) Up to 2 months’ rental waiver for commercial and other non-residential tenants in government properties. Full month rental waiver to stallholders located in National Environment Agency (NEA) managed markets.
Singapore Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Increased loan ceilings under Enterprise Financing Scheme (EFS) from S$5m to S$10m with Government’s risk-share raised to 80% for Trade Loan
Singapore Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Temporary Bridging Loan Programme expanded to cover all sectors and maximum supported loan raised from S$1m to $5m
Singapore Employment support Increased labor training subsidies SG United Traineeships to co-fund wage costs of companies offering traineeships to first-time jobseekers.
Singapore Employment support Increased labor training subsidies Sustained support for 200,000 eligible self-employed persons to make use of downtime to train and upskill through Self-Employed Persons Training Support Scheme extended till end-2020 with $48m set aside and enhanced training allowance rate of S$10 per hour;
Singapore Employment support Increased labor training subsidies Under SkillsFuture Enterprise, businesses are given S$10,000 (US$7,134) to cover 90 percent of out-of-pocket expenses like skills training and job redesign. The government hopes this grant will benefit 25,000 SMEs in the country.
Singapore Employment support Support to self-employed persons The new (second) stimulus package of S$48 billion ($33 billion) includes cash transfers to self-employed and low-income people.
Singapore Employment support Support to self-employed persons Under Self-Employed Persons Income Relief Scheme (SIRS), eligible Singaporean SEPs will receive S$1,000 a month for 9 months;
Singapore Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals Employers of workers in quarantine get SG$100 (US$68.5) per day throughout the duration of their quarantine. The benefit will also be paid to self-employed workers (Ministry of Manpower of Singapore 2020).
Singapore Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals The government will help employers by paying 25% on the first S$4,600 of monthly salaries for 9 months till end-2020. Wage offset brought up to 75% for workers in air transport and tourism sectors
Singapore Other finance Support for firms which need to close or have reduced their activities $350m to provide cost relief for the aviation sector and maintain a minimum level of connectivity, S$90m for tourism recovery and S$55m for arts & culture
Singapore Tax Corporate tax – rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Automatically defer income tax payments for 3 months for companies and self-employed persons
Singapore Tax Corporate tax – rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Corporate Income Tax Rebate
Singapore Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals The goods and services tax (GST), will no longer be increased in 2021, remaining at seven percent. And enhanced Property Tax Rebate for 2020 of 100% for certain commercial properties (hotels, serviced apartments, tourist attractions, shops, restaurants), 60% for Integrated Resorts and 30% for other non-residential properties.
Slovakia Business costs Utilities – reductions, direct payment or indirect (e.g. tax concession for suppliers/landlords) Postponement of mortgage payments
Slovakia Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Liquidity relase in the amount of EUR million  527
Slovakia Employment support Subsidies for employee sick leave The first day of sick leave which is usually unpaid will be covered by the State in the period between 11 March and 31 May. Days 2-14 usually paid by employers will by paid by the State as well.
Slovakia Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals The government has  postponed the deadline for tax returns by three months, both for  companies
Slovenia Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Liquidity relase in the amount of EUR million  115
Slovenia Employment support Subsidies for employee sick leave Parents who will stay home to care for their children in the coming days will be entitled to 50% wage compensation
Slovenia Employment support Subsidies for employee sick leave Sick pay for all workers during the pandemic from the first day onwards will be covered by the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia, not the employer  Pension.
Slovenia Employment support Support to self-employed persons Self-employed who are unable to operate due to the crisis or whose operations have been significantly reduced will be entitled to a monthly cash transfer in the amount of 70% of the net minimum wage.
Slovenia Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals All contributions for temporarily laid-off employees paid into the healthcare and pension insurance schemes will be covered by the state, and the insured persons’ rights will be preserved. The measure is in place until May 31, 2020, with the possibility of an extension.
Slovenia Tax Corporate tax – rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals On 18/3/2020, the tax burden on business was eased with a 12 month deferral of credit payments.
South Africa Debt finance Delayed repayments. Deferral of payments, restructuring and rescheduling Debt Relief Fund to help alleviate the economic impact of the coronavirus on small businesses in South Africa is due to come into operation on Tuesday 24 March 2020.
South Africa Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms The Department of Tourism has made an additional R200m available to assist SMEs in the tourism and hospitality sector who are under particular stress due to the new travel restrictions.
South Africa Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals Any employee who falls ill through exposure at their workplace will be paid through the Compensation Fund.
South Africa Tax Corporate tax – rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Tax-compliant businesses with a turnover of less than R50m will be allowed to delay 20% of their pay-as-you-earn liabilities over the next four months and a portion of their provisional corporate income tax payments without penalties or interest over the next six months.
South Africa Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals A tax subsidy of up to R500 per month for the next four months for those private sector employees earning below R6,500 under the Employment Tax Incentive will be provided.
Spain Business costs Rent/leasing - reductions (if government is landlord), direct payment or indirect (e.g. tax concession for suppliers/ landlords) Temporary suspension of evictions. Moratorium on mortgage payments for workers. Utility companies not permitted to cut services to vulnerable families.
Spain Debt finance Credit guarantees - new schemes, more generous guarantee levels The government announced the mobilisation of 200 billion euros (20% of GDP), of which 117 billion will be public (100 billion for guarantees and 17 billion to help those affected by the crisis) and the rest will be based on private sources
Spain Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Liquidity relase in the amount of EUR million  1161
Spain Employment support New working schemes Workers allowed to adapt and reduce their working hours, by as much as 100% if necessary, if they need to provide care to dependents
Spain Employment support Subsidies for employee sick leave A legal decree permits periods of isolation or infected workers as an exceptional situation assimilated to a work accident (temporary incapacity). This applies to the self-employed worker or an employee who is registered with any of the Social Security regimes and will cover the date from which the worker is in isolation or illness. Sick leave is issued after that date. This is also extended to personnel under the Special Schemes for Civil Servants.
Spain Employment support Subsidies for employee sick leave Support to families in vulnerable positions: 25 million euros to provide food to children affected by school closures. Workers can stop working if necessary
Spain Employment support Support to self-employed persons For the self-employed, access to an extraordinary benefit in relation to cessation of activity is eased when they have had to close their establishments or suspend their services equal to 70% of the regulatory base for one month or until the last day of the month when the mandated state of alert ends. It will affect professionals who see their turnover fall by 75% compared to the previous six months.
Spain Employment support Support to self-employed persons Six month moratorium on taxes for self-employed. Extraordinary allowance for self-employed workers, affected by the suspension of economic activity. Own-account self-employed who have a turnover fall of at least 75% of that of the previous semester can access the same subsidy for end of activity as those closing their business,
Spain Tax Corporate tax – rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Six month moratorium on taxes for SMEs
Spain Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Defer income, corporate, and VAT for 6 months
Spain Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Lifting social security contribution requirements for small and medium businesses who do not lay off workers, and adjusting the social security system contributions made by self-employed workers
Sweden Business costs Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Self-employed will received a reduction of individual contributions as that proposed for firms. Deferal on VAT Taxes
Sweden Debt finance Credit guarantees - new schemes, more generous guarantee levels The proposal means that the central government will guarantee 70 per cent of new loans banks provide to companies that are experiencing financial difficulty
Sweden Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Liquidity relase in the amount of EUR million  23
Sweden Employment support Subsidies for employee sick leave Central government assumes the entire cost of all sick pay during April and May.
Sweden Employment support Subsidies for employee sick leave Government assumes 2 momths of sick pay obligations
Sweden Employment support Subsidies for employee sick leave Workers will get sickness benefits from the moment they have to be absent from work due to illness, and the state rather than employers will cover the cost of the first day of leave.
Sweden Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals Employers’ wage costs can be halved and the central government will cover a larger share of the costs. This model is similar to short-time work, but the subsidy level is significantly increased.
Sweden Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals A temporary reduction of employers’ social security contributions has been proposed which will be effective from March 1 to June 30 2020. This reduction applies to up to 30 employees and when the monthly wage does not exceed SEK 25 000 (USD 2500).
Switzerland Employment support New working schemes Unemployment insurance funds can claim up to CHF 8B for short-time work allowances. The waiting period for short-time work will be reduced to one day from March until 30 September 2020. This means that companies only have to bear one day's lost work independently before they are entitled to unemployment insurance support.
Switzerland Production Expenditure programs CHF10 billion ($10.6 billion) aid package aimed at helping companies survive the economic downturn caused by coronavirus.
Thailand Debt finance Delayed repayments. Deferral of payments, restructuring and rescheduling Measures to postpone principal payments, reduce interest and extend repayment period for affected debtors.
Thailand Debt finance Existing lending with reduced or no interest loans, delayed repayments, lower collateral requirements Interest rate reduction (-25bp)
Thailand Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms 180 billion baht ($5.7b) of soft loans for directly or indirectly affected SMEs (150 billion at 2 percent and 30 billion at 3 percent)
Thailand Demand Targeted (sector or region) expenditure programs Thai LCU 100 billion stimulus which target low-income families and tourism sector
Thailand Employment support Support to self-employed persons Self-employed traders and workers can seek government assistance of up to 5,000 baht per month.
Thailand Regulations Reduced compliance requirements (including no face to face, only electronic), fewer/no inspections Regulatory forbearance with banking sector stimuli
Thailand Tax Expedited tax reimbursements Accelerate VAT return to domestic entrepreneurs.
Thailand Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Reduced contributions to social security funds of employers.
Thailand Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Withholding taxes for businesses will be reduced to 1.5 per cent from 3.0 per cent, and they will be offered 1.5 times tax deductions on interest rates, and three times tax deductions on wage expenses
Trinidad and tobago Debt finance Delayed repayments. Deferral of payments, restructuring and rescheduling liquidity support to individuals and small businesses  via long repayment periods
Trinidad and tobago Debt finance Increasing liquidity in banking sector The central bank reduced the policy rate by 150 bps to 3.5 percent, and the reserve requirement on commercial bank deposits by 300 bps to 14 percent.
Trinidad and tobago Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms liquidity support to individuals and small businesses via credit union loans at reduced interest rates
Trinidad and tobago Employment support Unemployment benefit Salaries for up to 3 months for temporarily unemployed workers
Trinidad and tobago Other finance Support for firms which need to close or have reduced their activities grants to hoteliers to upgrade of their facilities.
Trinidad and tobago Tax Expedited tax reimbursements VAT and income tax refunds to individuals and SME
Tunisia Employment support Support informal sector workers One-off cash transfer of TND200 (USD68) to 623,000 households working in the informal sector, who are not covered by any social assistance program and who are vulnerable to shocks
Tunisia Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals For businesses and companies operating in the formal sector, a waiver of 3 months is granted to the employer’s contribution to the social security scheme.
Turkey Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals A Short-term Work Allowance provides income support for workers whenever business is slowed down or suspended as a result of a general, sectoral or regional crisis or another coercive condition. The allowance provides 1,752 TL/month (around $271) for those that receive minimum wage in the last 12 months
Turkey Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals The conditions of use of the Short-Time Working Scheme will be eased (no further details at this stage). The balancing period for working time rules will be increased from two to four months.
Turkey Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals April, May and June VAT and social security contributions will be postponed for six months in selected sectors.
Turkey Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Postponed for six months the VAT withholdings and Social Security Insurance for April, May, and June for selected sectors.
Uganda Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals subsidy/waiver
The National Social Security Fund (NSSF) of Uganda has announced measures that allow businesses/employers facing economic distress due to  COVID-19 to reschedule NSSF contributions for the next 3 months without accumulating a penalty
United Arab Emirates Business costs Rent/leasing - reductions (if government is landlord), direct payment or indirect (e.g. tax concession for suppliers/ landlords) Rebates (20%) on rental values for restaurants + tourism & entertainment sectors
United Arab Emirates Business costs Utilities – reductions, direct payment or indirect (e.g. tax concession for suppliers/landlords) Stimulus package (AED 1.5bn) to support businesses affected by Covid19 including 10% reduction in utilities bills
United Arab Emirates Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms AED100bn stimulus to facilitate temporary relief on private sector loans & promote SME lending;
United Kingdom Debt finance Existing lending with reduced or no interest loans, delayed repayments, lower collateral requirements Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme, loan of up to £5 million, with the government covering up to 80% of any losses with no fees. Businesses can access the first 6 months of that finance interest free, as government will cover the first 6 months of interest payments
United Kingdom Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms For the very smallest businesses, unconditional cash grant of GBP3k.  Big loan scheme for employers
United Kingdom Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Liquidity relase in the amount of EUR million  244
United Kingdom Employment support Subsidies for employee sick leave The cost of providing 14 days of Statutory Sick Pay per employee will be refunded by the government in full
United Kingdom Employment support Subsidies for employee sick leave The Statutory Sick Pay (SSP), paid by the employers and refunded by the stat, will now be available for eligible individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 or those who are unable to work because they are self-isolating in line with government advice. SSP will be made available from day one when selfisolating, instead of day four
United Kingdom Employment support Support to self-employed persons The Universal Credit standard allowance will increase by £1,000, for the next 12 months, as will the Working Tax Credit basic element. Self-employed people will now have access, in full, to the Universal Credit at a rate equivalent to Statutory Sick Pay for employees.
United Kingdom Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals Companies and organisations will be able to apply for a grant from HMRC to cover the wages of people who are not working due to coronavirus shutdowns, but who haven’t been laid off
United Kingdom Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals Employers will be able to contact HMRC (revenue and customs) for a grant to cover most of the wages of people who are not working that are furloughed and kept on payroll rather than being laid off. Government grants would cover 80% of the salary of retained workers to a total of 2,500 pounds a month.
United Kingdom Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Vat payments have been deferred.
United States Business advice Support subsidized business advice (e.g. through vouchers) and information (e.g. through chambers, industry organizations, accountants, etc.) on emergency support measures, and business operations SBA Guidance for Businesses and Employers - prevent workplace exposures to acute respiratory illnesses and help plan for more widespread, community outbreaks of COVID-19
United States Debt finance Delayed repayments. Deferral of payments, restructuring and rescheduling SBA Debt Relief - provides a reprieve to small businesses of certain loans.
United States Debt finance Existing lending with reduced or no interest loans, delayed repayments, lower collateral requirements SBA Express Bridge Loans - up to $25,000 for small businesses with a business relationship with an SBA Express Lender
United States Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan - working capital loans of up to $2 million that
United States Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms SBA Paycheck Protection - direct incentive for small businesses to keep their workers on payroll through a loan of up to $10 million determined by 8 weeks prior average payroll outlays
United States Employment support Subsidies for employee sick leave Two weeks of paid sick leave at 100% of the person's normal salary, up to $511 per day. It would also provide up to 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave at 67 percent of the person's normal pay, up to $200 per day. Gig and self-employed workers also get these benefits in the form of a tax credit.
Uruguay Debt finance Credit guarantees - new schemes, more generous guarantee levels The financial system will be able to achieve guarantees from the National Guarantee System for the Siga PYME line amounting to "up to $2.5 billion" for the granting of loans, and 70% of the commission will be waived
Uruguay Debt finance Delayed repayments. Deferral of payments, restructuring and rescheduling Central Bank shall authorize financial intermediation institutions, financial services firms and credit managers to extend the maturities of loans to the non-financial sector, in agreement with their clients, for up to 180 days.
Uruguay Debt finance Delayed repayments. Deferral of payments, restructuring and rescheduling Loan payments for households and businesses that may be affected by the public health measures are to be deferred for up to 180 days.
Uruguay Debt finance Existing lending with reduced or no interest loans, delayed repayments, lower collateral requirements the rate of commission charged by the fund will be reduced substantially
Uruguay Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Banco Republica will make available to companies a line of credit with "soft" conditions for $50 million, to "deal with the epidemic situation", with an emphasis on small and mediumsized enterprises.
Uruguay Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms direct credit program for micro and small enterprises will extend working capital loans of up to 18 months to the affected businesses at subsidized rates
Uruguay Employment support Support to self-employed persons With regard to the Social Welfare Bank (BPS) there will be benefits for "single-payers, single persons and personal companies with up to ten employees, whose contribution regime is Industry and Commerce"
Uruguay Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals Facilitation of access to unemployment benefits for some sectors. BPS will cover 70 percent of the other four. Sectors included are retail and services, tourism and restaurants.
Uruguay Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals The Social Security Bank (El Banco de Previsión Social (BPS)) is working to implement the new special subsidy for partial unemployment for monthly workers, arranged by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security. Companies must, within the first 10 days of the month following the reduction in the number of days or hours worked, send the BPS the list of workers who meet the conditions of law. Payment of the subsidy will be made during the month following this reduction
Uruguay Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals defer the payment of the minimum VAT of  February and March to be paid to the Directorate-General for Tax (DGI) in six "equal, consecutive and no interest payment" installments, starting in May.
Uruguay Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals The payment of employer contributions from owners and partners of personal companies corresponding to March and April is deferred: 60% can be paid in six installments from June and the remaining 40% "will be subsidized by the State.
Uzbekistan Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Interest-free loans for the payment of wages to employees of business entities that have suspended their activities in connection with the announcement of quarantine.
Uzbekistan Employment support Subsidies for employee sick leave Sick leave is normally paid at the rate of 60-80% salary depending on the employment history. For the duration of quarantine, it is increased to 100% of the salary for everyone and covers parents whose child is in quarantine
Venezuela Employment support Wage subsidies (can be broad, or targeted – e.g. apprentices) as alternative to direct payments to individuals The government will pay payroll for SMEs for six months (March to August), through the same online platform used for social transfers (Sistema Patria platform)
Vietnam Business climate Reduce import restrictions (NTBs, duties) on intermediate goods Introduced tax exemptions for essential medical equipment
Vietnam Debt finance Delayed repayments. Deferral of payments, restructuring and rescheduling Central bank instructed financial institutions to reduce credit repayment or reduce the cost of temporary credit to most affected firms/sectors.
Vietnam Debt finance Increasing liquidity in banking sector Central Bank reduced interest rates and scrapped transaction fees.
Vietnam Debt finance New lending – under concessional terms Credit institutions have committed to soft loan packages (0.5-2 percent lower than usual) totaled VND285 trillion (equivalent to approximately $1.2 billion) for affected borrowers.
Vietnam Other finance Incentives for investors (e.g. angel investors), new or enhanced incentives Facilitate FDI reallocation from China to Vietnam
Vietnam Tax Corporate tax – rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals CIT excemptions proposal
Vietnam Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Deferrals of tax payments including social security contributions and zero VAT.
Vietnam Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals Temporary suspension of social insurance contributions for COVID-19 affected firms and entities for a maximum of 12 months.
Vietnam Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals the government is considering delaying the tax payment deadline by five months for businesses impacted by COVID-19 and delaying land-use fees until October 31, 2020 - costing the government VND27 trillion (US$1.16 billion)
Vietnam Tax Payroll/social security/VAT taxes/land taxes - rate reductions, credits, waivers, and/or deferrals

VAT cut for restaurants, hotels, transport and tourism companies.


Con la colobaracion del Dr. Humberto Blanco.

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